Conditions: You a Military Postal Clerk assigned to the Registry Section of the post office. You are required to process registered mail while
preventing loss and damage to the mail and maintaining strict security. You have access to Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M Postal Manual,
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), PS Form 3849 (Notice of Delivery), PS Form 3854 (Manifold Registry Dispatch Book), PS Form 3877 (Firm Mailing Book
for Registered, Insured, Cash on Delivery (COD) and Certified Mail and Express Mail), PS Form 3883 (Firm Delivery Receipt for Accountable and Bulk
Delivery Mail), DD Form 2261 (Balance and Inventory), several articles of registered mail, necessary rubber stamps, stamp pad, and standard office
supplies. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.
Standards: Without error, process registered mail by verifying all registered mail in pouches and sacks, opening all mail in the presence of a witness, taking appropriate action if any discrepancies are found, completing the correct forms, deliver and dispatch registered mail, secure the registry section and all registered mail, and provide postal security.