TG PAT 12-TS-4001 Conduct Human Resources Operations

Conduct Human Resources Operations



The Theater Gateway Personnel Accountability Team (TG PAT), Human Resources Platoon (HR PLT) and Human Resources Company (HR Co) is deployed or will deploy to an area of operations and providing theater-level support at the Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) or Sea Port of Debarkation (SPOD). The TG PAT establishes the initial Personnel Processing Center (PPC) to track and account for all Soldiers, Department of Defense (DOD) Civilians, and Joint, Interagency and Multinational (JIM) personnel arriving and departing the theater.  Support Operations (SPO) elements have staff responsibilities to supervise personnel accountability support activities required by deploying units/elements. The commander issues planning guidance for management of the Theater Gateway (TG) Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) to be provided to units within the specified area to facilitate their mission accomplishment. Technical guidance is received from the Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) and Human Resources Operations Branch (HROB), as appropriate. The TG PAT is equipped with the Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS) as the accounting system of record for all transiting personnel. Casualties are occurring and may continue to occur while deployed. Casualties with minor injuries/wounds/illness receive medical treatment and are being discharged for return to duty. Communications are established between higher headquarters, supporting units, Military Police, units, and Casualty Liaison Teams (CLT), at Combat Support Hospitals. The section has appropriate connectivity to both Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router (NIPR) and Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR) Networks and access to all added Army systems. As the theater matures, unit personnel may participate in Rest and Recuperation (R&R) programs outside the unit area.  As the operational environment stabilizes, unit personnel may also be allowed to take emergency and ordinary leaves and be eligible for reassignment to other operational areas.  Replacement personnel are assigned and are expected to continue to arrive as required.  Replacement actions are conducted during lulls in combat operations. Communications links with subordinate elements and higher headquarters are operational.  Terrorists and other hostile force sympathizers are operating in the area. Threat capabilities include information gathering, hostile force sympathizers, and terrorist activities in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) environment. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.

Account for all assigned, attached, or augmentee personnel.  Which includes Soldiers, service members from other services, Department of Defense (DOD) Civilians and contractors.  Integrate newly assigned personnel into appropriate unit elements within 72 hours of arrival or as permitted by the tactical situation in accordance with (IAW) AR 600-8-6.  Keep the manning/battle rosters current and accurate.  Submit casualty reports within established timeliness of event or as permitted by the tactical situation. Submit consolidated personnel status reports to higher headquarters daily or as required by the TSOP.  At MOPP4, performance degradation factors increase time required for preparation of strength reports and replacement processing and reduces support to minimum essential actions.

Collective Tasks

12-TM-1212 Perform Transient Personnel Accountability (TG PAT)

Supporting Individual Tasks

WOBC805C-420-6000Coordinate Personnel Accountability Functions
WOAC805C-420-7001Manage Personnel Accountability
WOBC805C-420-6006Conduct Identification Card Processing
AIT805C-42A-3473Manage Emergency Notification Data