ITAR – Cash Domestic Postal Money Orders

Conditions: You are assigned as a Postal Finance Clerk in a Military Post Office and required to process postal money order transactions while
preventing loss or mismanagement of postal funds with the following: 1. Current listing of Missing or Stolen Money Orders from the USPS Postal Bulletin. 2. Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M Postal Manual.

Standards: Cash Domestic Money Orders by accessing the correct fee for the money order, verifying the customer is authorized to use the Military
Post Office (MPO), reviewing the current listing of Missing or Stolen money orders from the United States Postal Service (USPS) Postal Bulletin,
arranging the money order in the correct sequence to issue it, spoil the money order, recognize an altered or damaged money order, secure money
orders, store money orders, advise customers about money orders, and report any money order situations IAW Department of Defense (DoD 4525.6-M)
Postal Manual without error.
