Demonstrate COPS Overview

Action: Demonstrate COPS Conditions: Given access to a computer with access to the COPS database via wireless or LAN connection and an awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: The students will meet the standard of 70% accuracy when they: Understand COPS Terminology Define the different COPS functions Execute the different COPS operations Produce a strength… Continue reading Demonstrate COPS Overview

Categorized as Brigade S-1

Employ VSAT Overview

Action: Employ the Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) and Combat Service Support Automated Information System Interface (CAISI) Conditions: In a classroom environment, given operational VSAT, assembly instructions and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: Assemble an established satellite communications link, acquired by the NIPRNET, and establish communications with a Voice Over the… Continue reading Employ VSAT Overview

Categorized as Brigade S-1

Employ eMILPO Overview

Action: Employ Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) and Datastore Functions Conditions: Given a personal computer with access to eMILPO and Army Human Resource System (AHRS) Datastore Training, the eMILPO User Manual Version 4.6.9, eMILPO Functional Guide Version 4.2, AR 600-8-6, practical exercise in a classroom environment and an awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and… Continue reading Employ eMILPO Overview

Categorized as Brigade S-1

Direct Personnel Information Management (PIM)

Action: Direct Personnel Readiness Management (PRM) Conditions: Given classroom instruction, practical exercises, access to applicable regulations, Army Manning Guidance, Personnel Policy Guidance (PPG) and awareness of the Operational Environment. Standard: Demonstrate knowledge of PRM through classroom participation, practical exercises, and by scoring 70% or higher on a knowledge based exam that includes the following learning… Continue reading Direct Personnel Information Management (PIM)

Categorized as Brigade S-1

Interpret USR Data

Action: Interpret Commander’s Direct Unit Status Report (USR) Conditions: Given access to AR 220-1, DA PAM 220-1, NetUSR User’s Guide v2.5.0, relevant ALARACT Messages, NetUSR and an awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: Identify the principles of Unit Status Reporting. Determine Personnel Level Metrics and Data Points. Employ the personnel functionality of… Continue reading Interpret USR Data

Demonstrate DCIPS Overview

Action: Demonstrate the Defense Casualty Information Processing System-Casualty Forward (DCIPS-CF). Conditions: In a classroom environment, given a laptop computer with DCIPS-CF loaded, internet access, AR 638-8, DA Pam 638-8, FM 1-0, DCIPS-CF Version 8.0 User’s Guide and an understanding of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: The students will complete the end of course,… Continue reading Demonstrate DCIPS Overview

Implement Deployed Casualty Operations

Action: Coordinate Deployed Casualty Operations Conditions: Given classroom instruction, AR 638-8, Army Casualty Program; AR 600-8-7, Line of Duty Policy, Procedures, and Investigations; AR 638-2, Army Mortuary Affairs Program; FM 1-0, HR Support; ATP 1-0.2, Theater-Level Human Resources Support; and HQDA Personnel Policy Guidance and knowledge of our current  Operational Environment. Standard: Score 70% or… Continue reading Implement Deployed Casualty Operations