CCC Staffex


The Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) is a 40-hour, preferably 5 consecutive days, exercise where student operate as BN S1s in a Decisive Action scenario  that includes:
a.  The Operations Process (Plan, Prepare, Execute, and Assess)
b.  Analysis of HR planning considerations and product development.
c. Application of MDMP, effective communications, and practice of critical thinking skills to solve problems, and provide recommendations to the commander.
d. Integration of eMILPO, DTAS, DCIPS, BFT and Command Post of the Future (CPOF) systems training.


The purpose of this lesson plan is to have students demonstrate the performance of the Director of Training approved BN S1 validation criteria and to re-train as needed prior to graduation to ensure that students are combat effective as BCT BN S1s upon arrival at their new assignment.   This lesson is designed for students to exercise and demonstrate how to be BN S1s in a Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) as learned and refined through previous lessons and facilitated instruction.  This lesson plan codifies and can serve as a means to facilitate the daily learning objectives, and serves as a baseline document standardizing instructor/student requirements, expectations, and evaluation criteria.

Lesson Content
