FC Advanced Leader Course


ALC is a branch-specific course that provides Soldiers selected for promotion to SSG with material for success at both the squad and platoon level. The scope of tasks/competencies addressed in ALC provides both the squad and platoon level perspective, where appropriate, and build upon experience gained in previous training and operational assignments. Branch schools and selected training battalions conduct this course in a live-in learning environment, where possible. The Small Group Leader will seek ways to instill the 9 competencies of the 21st century Soldier in their Students.

Module A: Conduct Essential Leadership and Mandated Training

Army Discipline and Standards

Build Trust in Teams

Coaching, Counseling, and Mentorship

Contemporary Issues

Course Overview

Effective Writing for Army

Facilitate Think Critically and Creatively

FC Core Competencies

Finance Corp History

Financial Readiness

Military Briefings

Mission Orders and MDMP

Persuasive Essay

Physical Fitness Program

PME Level V EO Training

Research and Case Studies

Soldier 2020 Brief Talent Management

The Army Leader

The Army’s Maintenance Program

Training Management


Module B: Fund the Force

Analyze Reimbursement Concepts

Apply Administrative Control of Funds Procedures

Define the Program Budget Advisory Committee Instructor

Identify Commercial Activities Program

Identify Flow and Receipt of Funds

Prepare a Budget

Verify Commitment and Obligation Transactions

Module C:  Conduct Accounting Support and Cost Management/S8

Analyze GFEBS Reporting Process

Communicate the Role of the S8 G8 Office

Create a Funded Program

Create a Reimbursable Sales Order

Define the Program Budget Advisory Committee

Determine the GCSS-Army Process Flow

Develop Command Budget Estimate (CBE) and Phase Plan

Identify GTC Procedures

Identify Master Data Elements

Identify Operational Contract Support

Identify Resource Management End-of-Year Procedures

Identify the Principles of Fiscal Law

Perform Reimbursable Accounting

Process Cost Transfer in GFEBS

Process Miscellaneous Pay – Non PPA Documents

Module D: Commercial Vendor Services

Certify CSV Vouchers

Conduct Introduction to CVS

Employ GFEBS Spending Chain Procedures

Identify the Flow and Receipt of CVS Documents

Manage CVS Operations

Module E: Conduct Banking, Disbursing, and E-Commerce Support

Identify Daily Accountable Transactions

Perform Disbursing Agent Transactions Using DDS

Prepare the Daily Agent Accountability Summary DD2665 

Resolve Irregularities in a Disbursing Officer’s Account

Module F: Staff Exercise

Staff Exercise

Module G: Culminating Training Event

CTE Instructor Tools

Module H: Administrative Data

Instructor/Admin Data