WTSP 14-TS-0002 Conduct G8 Operations

Conduct G8 Operations



The Theater G8 is deployed to a specified theater in support of an Army Service Component Command (ASCC) engaged in Unified Land Operations; and is tasked with resourcing requirements, identifying, acquiring, and distributing funds to units in their Area of Operation (AO). They track, analyze, and report execution in support of stated objectives to senior Army leadership and Army Budget Offices. All assigned sections and personnel are positioned in the theater no later than time prescribed in Operations Order (OPORD). The comptroller branch is assigned responsibility for accounting for all theater expenditures and ongoing contracts. Theater funding codes are identified. Special attention is given to ensuring accurate and timely reporting. Communications with supporting and supported units are established and functioning. The tactical standing operating procedure (TSOP) is available as well as DFAS-IN REG 37-1, DODFMR 7000.14-R, FM 1-06 and FM 4-94. Requests for financial technical support and assistance to resolve various actions and problems are being received from supported units. Conventional attacks by hostile aircraft and operations by ground elements are possible. Threat capabilities include information gathering, hostile force sympathizers, and terrorist activities in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) environment. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.

Provide recommendations on resource utilization enhance commander’s ability to leverage those resources toward attaining mission objectives. Operational costs are accurately determined; and funds are properly acquired, distributed, controlled, and tracked by accounting classifications no later than time prescribed in OPORD and in accordance with (IAW) DODFMR 7000.14-R. Requirements for additional funding are identified by fiscal accounting elements and provided to higher headquarters. Appropriate paper and digital accounting records are maintained. Coordinate with the Financial Management Support Center (FMSC) for Finance Operations at the theater level. All reports to the FMSC will be timely and 100% accurate IAW DODFMR 7000.14-R and local SOP. Provide specific guidance, policies and instructions to the commander. All internal control procedures are in place and fully operational within 48 hours of the unit commencing financial operations or as the tactical situation allows. Control procedures are used in accordance with the tactical standing operating procedures AR 11-2, DODFMR 7000.14-R, FM 1-06, OMB Circular NO. A-123, ATP 4-94, and command guidance.

Collective Tasks

14-CMD-8031 Plan Comptroller Operations (TSC G8)

Individual Tasks

805A-36B-1009Identify Master Data Elements
805A-36A-7003Manage the Execution of Funds
805A-36A-7004Manage a Unit Budget
805A-36A-7023Develop FC Plans and Operations
805A-36A-8000Prepare a Command Budget
805A-36A-8002Prepare a Program Objective Memorandum (POM)
805A-36A-8003Develop a Cost Structure
805A-36A-8007Conduct Cost Management

14-CMD-8032 Conduct Comptroller Operations (TSC G8)

Individual Tasks

805A-36A-7003Manage the Execution of Funds
805A-36A-7004Manage a Unit Budget
805A-36A-7005Apply Administrative Control of Funds Procedures
805A-36A-7015Perform Cost Benefit Analysis
805A-36A-7016Prepare for a Working Programming and Budgeting
Advisory Committee (WPBAC)
805A-36A-8000Prepare a Command Budget
805A-36A-8001Identify the Flow and Receipt of Funds
805A-36A-8007Conduct Cost Management
805A-36A-8008Manage an Internal Control Program
805A-36B-3022Record Data from Expenditure Accounting Documents
805A-36B-3035Analyze a Budget

14-CMD-8034 Execute the Managers’ Internal Control Program (TSC G8)

Individual Tasks

805A-36A-7011Execute a Managers Internal Control Program (MICP)


ATP 4-93Sustainment Brigade
DFAS-IN 37-1Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation
DFAS-IN MANUAL 37-100-FYThe Army Management Structure
DODFMR 7000.14-RDepartment of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRS) (Volumes 1-15)
FM 1-06Financial Management Operations
FARFederal Acquisition Regulation
SUSTAINMENT UNIT TRAINING RESOURCE GUIDESustainment Unit Training Resource Guide (Electronic Copy)
Sustainment Unit Training Resource Guide (Print Ready)

Note:   All Resources can be found at the Army’s Publishing Directorate: https://armypubs.army.mil/

We Pay DoD DFAS Training Videos

How to Reconcile the Unit Commanders Pay Management Part I
How to Reconcile the Unit Commanders Pay Management Part II
How to Reconcile the Unit Commanders Pay Management Part III