WTSP 14-TS-2110 Conduct Commercial Vendor Service Section Activities

Conduct Commercial Vendor Service Section Activities



The Financial Management Support Detachment (FMSD) is deployed within an operational theater in support of forces engaged in Unified Land Operations. The detachment deploys its Financial Management Support Teams (FMST). Supported units require payment of commercial vendors for the purchase of goods and services to sustain combat operations and support missions. The Financial Management Tactical Platform (FMTP) and other automated systems and software will be employed in support of operations, as applicable. Conventional attacks by hostile aircraft and operations by ground elements are possible. Threat capabilities include information gathering, hostile force sympathizers, and terrorist activities in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) environment. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.

Commercial vendor transactions are processed in accordance with (IAW) DODFMR 7000.14R, VOL 10, Chapters 1-22 and Appendix A and B, FM 1-06, DFAS-IN 37-1 and theater financial policies. Amounts specified in the contract/purchase agreement are paid without error.

Collective Tasks

14-CO-8002 Perform Disbursing Operations (Financial Management Support Unit (FMSU))

Individual Tasks

SLC805A-36B-4008Prepare a Daily Statement of Accountability (DD Form 2657)
SLC805A-36B-4003Perform Deputy Disbursing Officer Functions
SLC805A-36B-4006Manage a Limited Depositary Account
BOLC805A-36A-6001Report Irregularities in a Disbursing Agent’s Account
BOLC805A-36A-6004Conduct Paying Agent Operations
BOLC805A-36A-6136Supervise Cashier Operations
BOLC805A-36A-6162Ensure the Physical Security Compliance of a Disbursing Office
CCC805A-36A-7012Resolve Irregularities in a Deputy Disbursing Officer’s Account
CCC805A-36A-7014Perform Deputy Disbursing Officer Operations

14-CO-8004 Conduct Commercial Vendor Pay Operations (Financial Management Support Unit (FMSU))

Individual Tasks

AIT805A-36B-1016Prepare Commercial Vendor Services Vouchers for Payment
BOLC805A-36A-6013Conduct Commercial Vendor Service Operations
AIT805A-36A-3024Certify Commercial Vendor Services (CVS) Vouchers

14-CO-8017 Conduct Audit Readiness Compliance Operations (Financial Management Support Unit (FMSU))

Supporting Individual Task

ALC805A-36B-3020Perform a Financial Management Review


ATP 4-93Sustainment Brigade
DFAS-IN 37-1Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation
DFAS-IN MANUAL 37-100-FYThe Army Management Structure
DODFMR 7000.14-RDepartment of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRS) (Volumes 1-15)
FM 1-06Financial Management Operations
FARFederal Acquisition Regulation
SUSTAINMENT UNIT TRAINING RESOURCE GUIDESustainment Unit Training Resource Guide (Electronic Copy)
Sustainment Unit Training Resource Guide (Print Ready)

Note:   All Resources can be found at the Army’s Publishing Directorate: https://armypubs.army.mil/

We Pay DoD DFAS Training Videos

DA 5960 Training Part 1
DA 5960 Training Part 2
DA 5960 Training Part 3
How to Reconcile the Unit Commanders Pay Management Part I
How to Reconcile the Unit Commanders Pay Management Part II
How to Reconcile the Unit Commanders Pay Management Part III