Overview of Enlisted Distribution and Assignment

Action: Demonstrate the Enlisted Distribution & Assignment System (EDAS) Conditions: In a classroom environment, given access to internet connectivity, a computer, EDAS Field User Manual dtd June 2009, a password, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables, and actors Standard: The student will have met the standards when they have : Define EDAS Purpose and Functions… Continue reading Overview of Enlisted Distribution and Assignment

Categorized as AGBOLC

Overview of Common Operating Picture

Action: Demonstrate COPS Conditions: In a classroom environment given access to a computer with access to the COPS database via wireless or LAN connection and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standard: The students will meet the standard of 70% accuracy when they: Understand COPS Terminology Define the different COPS functions Execute the different COPS… Continue reading Overview of Common Operating Picture

Categorized as AGBOLC

Demonstrate TOPMIS II

Action: Demonstrate Total Officer Personnel Management and Information System (TOPMIS II) Functions Conditions:  In a classroom environment given internet connectivity, a computer with CAC capability, access to the training database, practical exercise, and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard:  To meet the standard, the student must obtain a score of 80%… Continue reading Demonstrate TOPMIS II

Categorized as AGBOLC, AGS

Manage Enlisted Distribution and Assignments

Action: Manage Enlisted Distribution and Assignments Conditions: In a classroom environment given access to AR 11-6 Army Foreign Language Program, AR 600-8-11 Reassignment, AR 611-1 Military Occupational Classification Structure Development and Implementation, AR 614-200 Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management, DA PAM 611-21 Military Occupational Classification Structure, IPPS-A User Manual v11 and awareness of the Operational… Continue reading Manage Enlisted Distribution and Assignments

Categorized as AGBOLC, AGS

Perform Personnel Office Computations

Action: Perform Personnel Office Computations Conditions: In a classroom environment given extracts of DoD 7000.14R (Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation), a completed DA Form 1506 (Statement of Service), AR 37-104-4 (Military Pay and Allowance Policy and Procedures-Active Component), AR 600-8-104 (Military Personnel Information Management/Records), Title 10 USC 651, and Student Handout. Standard: The student will… Continue reading Perform Personnel Office Computations

Categorized as AGBOLC

Manage the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS)

Action: Manage the Deployment Cycle support (DCS) Program Conditions: In a classroom environment given access to AR 600-8-101, FM 1-0, student handouts, a practical Exercise, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standard: Students will meet the standard when they correctly: Define the basic principles of the DCS program. Identify the stages of the DCS program,… Continue reading Manage the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS)

Categorized as AGBOLC

Process Military Pay and Allowances

Action: Process Military Pay and Allowances Conditions: In a classroom environment with access to AR 637-1 Army Compensation and Entitlements Policy, DA PAM 600-8 Military Human Resources Management Administrative Procedures, DA PPG DA Personnel Policy Guidance for Overseas Contingency Operations, FM 1-06 Financial Management Operations, DoDFMR 7000-14-R, Volume 7A Military Pay Policy and Procedures, Active… Continue reading Process Military Pay and Allowances

Categorized as AGBOLC, AGS

Manage Unit Postal Operations

Action: Manage Unit Postal Operations. Conditions: In a classroom environment with access to AR 600-8-3, FM 1-0, ATP 1-0.2, DoD Postal Manual 4525.6-M, Student Reading Material, and an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: The standard is met when the student can correctly: 1. Identify the Postal Operations mission without error.2. Manage… Continue reading Manage Unit Postal Operations

00- Battle Drill 05

Provides the learner with a process flow of the end-to-end business process (Battle Drill). This process flow aides in understanding all players (entities) and tasks associated with completing the Battle Drill. Provides the learner with step-by-step instructions to complete the Battle Drill (business process). Battle Drill 5: Process Paying Agent (PA) for Field Ordering Officer (FOO)… Continue reading 00- Battle Drill 05

02- XK01- Create a local vendor record

Master this transaction Provides the learner with a process flow of the end-to-end business process (Battle Drill). This process flow aides in understanding all players (entities) and tasks associated with completing the Battle Drill. Provides the learner with step-by-step instructions to complete the Battle Drill (business process). Walks the learner through a transaction using a… Continue reading 02- XK01- Create a local vendor record