Establish HR Mission Command Nodes

Action:  Establish Human Resources (HR) Mission Command Nodes. Conditions:  In A Training Environment As A S-1 And Your Unit Has Arrived In A Notional Deployed Theater.  You Are Responsible For Reporting Requirements With Higher Human Resources Headquarters And Subordinate Commands.  You Have Access To A Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Combat Service Support Automated Information… Continue reading Establish HR Mission Command Nodes

Validate Personnel Accountability Procedures

Action: Validate Personnel Accountability Conditions: In A Small Group Environment, Using Readings, Classroom Discussions, Presentations, Doctrinal Publications Course Reference Materials And An Awareness Of The Operational Environment (OE) Variables And Actors. Standard: Preparation Results In A Planning Tool For Battalion/Brigade S-1s To Use Across All Stages Of Deployment Cycle Support That Captures Required Training, Actions, And Processes… Continue reading Validate Personnel Accountability Procedures

Manage Personnel Strength Data

Action: Manage Personnel Strength Data Conditions: In A Small Group Environment, Using Readings, Classroom Discussions, Presentations, Doctrinal Publications And Course Reference Materials And An Awareness Of Operational Environment (OE) Variables And Actors. Standard: Preparation Results In A Management Tool For Battalion/Brigade S-1’S That Captures Required Training, Actions, And Processes To Successfully Manage Strength Reporting: Define Strength Reporting Principles… Continue reading Manage Personnel Strength Data

Communicate Theater HR Operations

Action:  Communicate Theater HR Doctrine Define HR Sustainment Center (HRSC) Mission and Structure Define HR Operations Branch (HROB) Mission and Structure Define Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) Mission and Structure Conditions:  Given classroom instruction, assigned readings, FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), ATP 1-0.2 (Theater-Level Human Resource Support), and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE). Standard: Score… Continue reading Communicate Theater HR Operations

Direct Personnel Readiness Management (PRM)

ACTION: Conduct Strength Analysis to determine brigade personnel readiness CONDITION: Given a computer with MS Excel and internet access, Bde MTOE, Bde MOSI, Bde non-deployable list, Bde gains (HRC Assignment Instructions), and current Army Manning Guidance. STANDARD: Students will meet the standard when they: 1) Identify current strength for each subordinate unit 2) Distribute gains… Continue reading Direct Personnel Readiness Management (PRM)

Demonstrate the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS)

Action: Demonstrate the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS) Conditions: Given the EDAS Field User Manual, student password, and access to the training database and an awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standard: The students will meet the standard of 70% accuracy when they: Define EDAS Capabilities Verify installation of the EDAS software… Continue reading Demonstrate the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS)

Identify the Role of the S1

Action: Communicate the Leadership Roles of the Brigade S1 Conditions: Given classroom instruction and ATP 1-0.1 (G1/AG S1 Operations) and FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support). Standard: Understand the essential and key tasks of the Brigade S-1 leadership. Lesson Content References

Operations Course Training Overview

Action: Conduct Brigade S-1 Course Training Overview Conditions: Given classroom instruction and FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support) and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standard: List with 100% accuracy the four HR Core Competencies, all 13 Key Functions related to each Core Competency, and correlate at least one Brigade S-1 task for each… Continue reading Operations Course Training Overview

Categorized as Brigade S-1

Prepare HR Personnel Metrics

Action: Prepare a HR WebMetrics Reports Conditions: Given classroom instruction and access to AKO and awareness of Operational environment (OE), variables, and actors Standard: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the HR WebMetrics Reports and how to access the information via AKO. Lesson Content s1_hr_metrics_guide_for_commanders summary_of_change_prepare_hr_personnel_metrics_-12_mar_15 s1_hr_webmetrics.pptx References

Categorized as Brigade S-1

Brigade S1 Admin Overview

Action: Communicate Army Human Resources (HR) Doctrine Conditions: Given classroom instruction, assigned readings, FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), ADP 3-0 (Unified Land Operations), ADRP 3-0 (Unified Land Operations, ADRP 6-0 (Mission Command), FM 6-0 (Commander and Staff Organization and Operations) and awareness of the Operational Environment. Standard: Demonstrate an understanding of HR doctrine through classroom… Continue reading Brigade S1 Admin Overview

Categorized as Brigade S-1